+38 (067) 337 62 62
Київ, метро пл. Льва Толстого +38 (099) 333 52 52
+38 (063) 115 73 11
Центр англійської мови та підготовки до міжнародних іспитів
Викладач математики англійською
Рівень англійської мови: C1
Досвід роботи: 1 рік
Курси: GMAT, GRE, SAT, ЗНО (математика)
Сертифікати: TOEFL
Про себе:

Hi, my name is Daniil. I have a bachelor’s degree, graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and I am on my way to master’s degree now. I am physicist and I do love this science, and since there is no physics without math, I do love math as well. I have always wanted to share my knowledge with others, and so I glad to be here. My hobbies are miniatures painting and reading.

Мій девіз:

Perseverance leads to success.

Чому я люблю свою роботу?

It is a great pleasure to see your students achieving new heights. And it is even better since I want as many people have a proper knowledge of exact and natural sciences as possible.
